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Surface-modified zirconia implants: tissue response in rabbits.
Rocchietta I, Fontana F, Addis A, Schupbach P, Simion M.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2009 Aug;20(8):844-50.
Clinical outcomes of vertical bone augmentation to enable dental implant placement: a systematic review.
Rocchietta I, Fontana F, Simion M.
J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Sep;35(8 Suppl):203-15. Review.
Biocompatibility and manageability of a new fixable bone graft for the treatment of localized bone defects: preliminary study in a dog model.
Fontana F, Rocchietta I, Dellavia C, Nevins M, Simion M.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2008 Dec;28(6):601-7.
Clinical and histological evaluation of an allogenous bone matrix versus autogenous bone chips associated with titanium reinforced e-PTFE membrane for vertical ridge augmentation: a pilot prospective study in the human.
Fontana F, Santoro F, Maiorana C, Iezzi G, Piattelli A,Simion M
Journal of Oral and Maxil Imp 2008;Nov-Dec;23(6):1003-12.
Vertical ridge augmentation by e-PTFE membrane and a combination of intraoral autogenous bone graft and deproteinized anorganic bovine bone (Bio Oss).
Simion M, Fontana F, Rasperini G, Maiorana C
Clinical Oral Implant Research 2007; 18:620-629
Rigenerazione ossea verticale: revisione della letteratura
Rocchietta I, Fontana F, Maschera E, Manforte M, Zanellato M, Simion M
Dentista Moderno 2007 Sept; XXV (8): 166-173
Rialzi verticali di cresta in mandibola con tecnica di rigenerazione ossea guidata (GBR): studio clinico retrospettivo su 24 casi
Fontana F., Fimmanò M., Maiorana C.
Implantologia 2007; 3:61-72
Guided vertical ridge augmentation: Clinical approach
Simion M, Fontana F
J Parodontologie & Implantologie Orale 2007 Febr; 26(1):55-64
Complications in GBR and their management
Fontana F
J Parodontologie & Implantologie Orale 2007 Febr; 26(1):79-88
Histological evaluation, in rabbit tibiae, of osseointegration of mini-implants in sites prepared with Er:YAG laser versus sites prepared with traditional burs.
Salina S, Maiorana C, Iezzi G, Colombo A, Fontana F, Piattelli A. J Long Term Eff Med Implants. 2006;16(2):145-56. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the different bone reactions in rabbit tibiae after the insertion of mini-implants by using two different techniques of site preparation: the superpulsed Er:YAG laser (VPS system) versus […]